July 20, 2019 oemsoftwaredownload

Find The Tools That Will Propel Your Site To The Top Of The Heap In This Seo Software Review

In order to be succesful, websites need to get a significant volume of traffic of good quality. Search engines are the major way that people get to websites .

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of doing activities that will cause the search engines to favor your site and make it prominent. The favored sites will appear among the first results when keywords that relate to them are searched for.

SEO software types

1. Niche Finders

The scope of topics that can be used to develop a website is as wide as the capacity of the human mind. Anything you can think of or imagine can be the topic of a website. However, if you want to develop a site that will be profitable for you or provide you a paltform to express your views, you need to choose a subject area that has a high probability of success which can draw an audience.

In order to be succesful, you generally don’t want to pick a topic that is too large. If your Site Concept is too broad, the competition will be fierce. Additionally, powerful companies with large, highly trained staffs will be competing against you to get attention. For example, it would be very difficult to be prominent with a website featuring major league football. You would be competing against the NFL and many other large and powerful football fan organizations.

You need to select a topic that has a significant level of interest, has low competition and has high profit potential. Even in the health area, a topic like natural cures for ingrown toenails might fit the bill. Those people who are interested in this topic will be highly targeted. If you provide them with useful content, they will become your fans and likely candidates to listen to you and to purchase items that you suggest.

A niche is a subset of a topic that has limited competition and has enough depth to allow for discussion of a number of important topics.

Software to find a niche automates the process of finding profitable niches.

Myleena Phan, the creator of Niche Inspector, has an excellent description of the manual steps that she used to do prior to creating Niche Inspector. It is available on the web.

Find a Niche software programs
1. Nichebot
2. Micro Niche Finder
3. Niche Inspector

2. Keyword software

Wikipedia says “The term keyword in reference to SEO usually refers to a word or phrase (combination of words, such as ‘Chicago Courier Service’) used to find relevant and useful web pages.”

Once a website creator has found a suitable niche, they need to find keywords related to the niche which are popular and profitable. Keyword software provides this capability. The keyword programs provide some or all of the following;
* ad cost per click
* traffic volume to expect depending on amount paid
* search volume
* competition intelligence

Keyword Programs
1. Keyword Elite 2. Keyword Spy
3. Wordtracker
4. SEOBook Tools

4. Tools to produce backlinks

The search engines value sites that have many links pointing to them. If the link comes from an authoritative source, it’s even more valuable. Link building is the most important thing to do in order to rank in the search engines.

The following list describes a number of ways to increase links. Many of these approaches are enhanced by software that automates or speeds the process.

A large part of the process for getting links is submitting stuff to websites that publish content that includes a link to your site. The submission process generally consists of selecting a group of target sites, registering, preparing multiple versions of your own site information or an article or other information (this is necessary so that it doesn’t look like you are spamming), submitting the information and then tracking the results. The submission programs provide some or all of these features but generally must be used in a semi automated fashion since there is almost always something that you have to do manually while you’re at the site.

Link generation methods and related software

1) Submit to Directories

There are directory submission services and there are programs which automate the process of submitting to a directory.

Directory submission software

# Fast directory submitter

# Digixmas

# Submiteaze

# Directory Submitter

2) Write and Submit Articles to Article Sites

Writing articles for well respected article sites is one of the most effective techniques for getting links to your website. Ezinearticles, for one, is a highly ranked and popular article site. When you submit your article to them, they give it a thorough review. If your article is chosen for publication that indicates it has been approved by the best and that’s the way that the search engines as well as many surfers view it.

Josh Spaulding has written a very enlightening eBook call Article Marketing Domination that clearly spells out how to take advantage of this method of generating links.

Going from article site to site manually entering article and author information is very tedious. To do this effectively, you need an automated article submission program.

Article Submission Programs
1. Article Post Robot
2. Instant Article Submitter
3. ArticleAnnouncer

3) Post Comments in Blogs and Forums Related to Your Niche

Blog Finding Software

You want software to find blogs that are dofollow which means that if they link to you, it counts as a link. Blog finding software finds blogs in the topic that you are interested in and can check for dofollow status. They should also allow for a date of last comment setting because a dormant blog is useless.
1. Fast Blog Finder
2. Real Link Finder

4) Social Bookmarking

Wikipedia says that “social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web pages on the Internet with the help of metadata”. The social bookmarking sites such as Digg, StumbleUpon, , furl and others allow users to nominate articles that they believe are the best on the net and should be publicized. Articles or posts that get a high ranking gain many links and tons of traffic.

Social Bookmarking Software

Automarker – Jonathan Leger, one of the net’s leading internet marketers, has developed this program. This allows groups of people to collaborate on voting for each others quality content. A subscriber receives a list of articles to promote and can in turn submit articles for review.

5) Videos

Videos are a new hot way to gain links. There are multiple sites to submit videos to and a program to automate submissions to them is a great aid.

Video submission software
1. VideoWildfire
2. Video Post Robot

4. Website traffic reports

Once a website has been developed, it is important to monitor the traffic to see where visitors are coming from and how they are getting to you. There are powerful free tools that provide this information.

These reports provide detailed reports about the number of visitors, pages visited, time on the site, new vs old visitors, source of the visitors, country of origin and more.

Google provides a special website to analyze your website’s performance. It is called Google Analytics. You go to and sign up. You need to put some html on every page to allow the statistics to be captured.

Firestats by Omry Dayan is powerful and elegant tool to track your web traffic and statistics. It is particularly well suited for WordPress blogs but may be used on other websites.


There are many programs and tools that can cause your traffic and profits to skyrocket. Take advantage of the programs listed here to get the best the web has to offer.

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